Frequently Asked Questions |
Kahlil Gibran |
In the future this web site will present to the interested public answers to the most frequently asked questions. In the meantime here are the answers to a few that might come up: Are you primarily a think tank?As an independent NGO, the GCC Institute for Drylands Research and Sustainable Development undeniably thoughtfully advances discourse on the contemporary sustainable development issues of the Gulf economies. However NDRD is far more than just a think tank. Our objectives include becoming an institute of applied research and work toward effective implementation of results and findings on the ground.
Is the institute genuinely international?While we are a GCC-based organization, our team and our work will be clearly international. Our objective is to interest affiliates that are interested in drylands issues from all over the world.
Who will be your audience?One of the main objectives of NDRD aims to influence, inspire and communicate with decision-makers, in other words people in government, educational institutions, business, civil society and other sectors who are in a position to develop and implement policies to achieve sustainable development. The specific make-up of the audiences, of course, varies across our activity areas and over time. |
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