Gulf Cooperation Council |
شبكة دول الأراضي القاحلة و التطوير |
How are affected societies adapting to the progressive degradation in drylands?
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An urgent challenge for drylands is to enhance the capacity of the rural poor to adapt with innovation in the face of rapidly changing conditions. The new paradigm of integrated agricultural research for development features a broad research agenda that addresses a chain of interactions, from natural resource management to production systems, markets, and policies. Generally rural communities should become active partners in co-innovation processes, triggering fundamental changes in the behavior, roles, power relationships, and functions of formal service providers. As the rural population successfully experiments and learns, the community begins to create a sustained and collective capacity for innovation, focused not only on raising incomes but also on improving the management of soil and other natural resources. Interesting research in this direction is currently carried out in Africa by CIAT (International Center for Tropical Agriculture)