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Gulf Cooperation Council
Network for Drylands Research & Development

شبكة دول
مجلس التعاون الخليجي لدراسات

الأراضي القاحلة و التطوير

Why English?

The predominance of English in the global scientific environment such as international conferences, symposia, online forums, is evident and therefore you must improve your competency to a relatively good level of English to be able to be heard and respected. Nevertheless, there seems to be no progress in this respect whatsoever and the knowledge gap in the Arab world is obvious, especially when it comes to written expression.

Yet this dialogue is a prerequisite in helping to bridge what could certainly be seen as the widening gap between Islam and some of the West's values and assumptions. Furthermore a greater interaction with other nations, cultures, and regions of the world and the GCC countries is certainly needed, because openness, interaction, absorption, revision, criticism and examination cannot but prompt creative knowledge production in Arab societies.

As a Network with a mandate to concern ourselves with issues of sustainable development, we are aware that in general developing countries will be deeply affected



by the exploding demand for IT literacy and English language for accessing knowledge on the Internet in the future.

Having realized these hampering factors to a productive and intelligent cross-cultural dialogue, one questions still remains. Why? English is comparatively easy, Microsoft basically corrects everything on your PC automatically and there are e-dictionaries for Arabic / English as well as translation programs. If this is not enough, there is still the unlimited Internet to search for grammatical phrase construction and examples on how to cover a topic in English. You only have to make an effort!

My German thesis advisor
Prof. Dr. Norman Paech (Professor of Public Law - Hamburg University for Economic and Political Studies)
once mentioned to me: "You generation is so blessed, because you can communicate with the world with such ease." So please remember theses wise words from an almost 70 years old professor and let us make use of this huge opportunity!


“We do not expect this old man in the header to speak English, but we certainly do expect it from you as a scientist.
In fact you are in the end his voice in the international cross-cultural dialogue and represent his concerns as well as the importance of his traditional knowledge to the global community.”

NDRD Founding Presidents



If you need help with your paper in English, please do not hesitate and contact us.

Switch to Arabic Website! :- )))
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